It is believed that the first vacuum pump (vacuum erector) was invented in 1960 by the American G. Osbon. After a while, this device began to be widely used to stimulate erections.Pump accelerates the process of filling the blood of cavernosa corpses due to the effect of negative pressure on their tissues. . . The main structural elements are a transparent cylinder in which a member and a pump are placed. Air is pumped, the penis is in a discharged space, its vessels dilate as much as possible and fill with blood.
Modern pumps provide a pressure gauge to control the pressure, various attachments for the optimal fit of the lamp on the penis, head protectors and erection rings. The created environment can be not only air but also water. The more functionality of the device, the higher the price.
Rationale for effectiveness, use in medicine
A vacuum pump is initially not just a toy from a sex shop, but a medical physiotherapy device, the effectiveness of which is officially recognized. Used in andrology in the following cases:
- Vascular erectile dysfunction;
- Sexual problems of a psychogenic nature (failure expectation syndrome);
- Initial stages of impotence (vacuum therapy for erectile dysfunction);
- Chronic prostatitis and prostate vesiculitis;
- Bending of the penis after surgery;
- Treatment of Peyronie's disease in the initial stage (with a small bending angle and small plates) and intracavernous chord.

Vacuum pump treatment is called LOD (Local Negative Pressure Therapy) therapy. Low pressure forces capillaries and arteries that are not used during a natural erection to open, increasing the beneficial volume of the penis. Active irritation of the head receptors occurs, the signal is transmitted to the brain and spinal cord, the activity of the spinal centers of erection and ejaculation is stabilized. The session lasts 30 seconds, then the pressure is gradually released, the erection weakens.
To enlarge the penis, the device works as follows: with regular exposure to negative pressure, the tissues of the cavernous bodies stretch, more blood is placed in them, the penis appears larger during an erection.
Medical erection pumps
The effectiveness and safety of exercise with a pump depends directly on the quality of the device.
You can buy them at specialized medical institutions, pharmacies or by ordering on distribution sites. In addition to functional equipment, a high quality pump always comes with a personal lubricant and detailed instructions.
How to use:
- Massage your penis for 5 minutes to warm up.
- Lubricate the end of the cylinder and slide the O ring over it.
- Lubricate the penis and place it in the cylinder (the scrotum should be pulled back slightly).
- Press the button, create a vacuum, press the cylinder firmly on the body.
- By pressing the button, pump the air until the penis reaches the maximum erection (moderate discomfort in the head is possible).
- To perform intercourse, you need to roll the ring from the cylinder to the penis, the collection will remain after removing the pump.
In a high quality pump, the cylinder should be straight (without narrowing), the base with a wide edge.
Preparing for therapy
Before starting a session, you should consult a specialist. Only a specialist will be able to examine the patient and identify contraindications to the use of vacuum therapy. Sometimes the reason for contraindications may be psychological aspects that are easily eliminated.
Before using the pump, wash it with warm soapy water. It is forbidden to boil or pour boiling water on it. Also, you can not use the pump for some people. The pump is quite fragile and should be used with care and not thrown away. You should store the vacuum in a dark, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 35 degrees.
Algorithm for performing the procedure:
- Before installing the pump, it is better to lubricate its base with a special lubricant;
- Too greasy grease will make the vacuum pump unusable;
- Place the penis at the base of the pump and press firmly against the scrotum;
- Before starting the session, you should lubricate the penis with oil to increase the blood supply;
- Next, it flows from the pump to exhale air, thus increasing the pressure in the pump and creating a blood flow to the organ;
- Hold the vacuum with your left hand, and with the other, using a pear, you should pump the air from the inside;
- The hole in the balloon should be closed, and if there is a valve, then close it;
- During the session, you may see a slight increase in erection and redness of the penis. After half a minute, you should open the valve and allow air to enter the balloon;
- The procedure takes about 20 minutes. During this period, an eclipse will occur approximately 20 times per minute.
With systematic use of the pump at intervalsevery two daysyou can achieve significant results.
For the first 14 days, it is recommended to use a vacuum overnight, two hours before bedtime, for 30 seconds. Over the next few weeks, you can increase the impact of the pump by up to 60 seconds while taking a break for 2 minutes. If the erection weakens immediately after the session, then you should use an erection ring. It is attached to the base of the penis.
Types of commercial pumps, recommendations for selection and care
Today you can order a pump online for every taste and portfolio. They vary in material quality, design features and equipment.
According to the type of working environment, pumps are divided into vacuum (air) and water (hydro-pumps).The latter are considered safer, as not air but warm water acts on the tissues of the penis (the greater the volume joined by the bulb, the stronger the effect on the penis). The control can be manual (hand pump, pear) and automatic (electronic control with one button).
Varieties of vacuum equipment for men
The main element of the pump model, which should be guided when choosing, is a balloon (cylinder). It should be 5 cm longer than an erect penis. If there is excess weight (large belly), then add another 2 cm. The diameter (for which the bottles are marked) for the classic pumping should be 1-2 cm larger. To determine the size of your bulb, you need to measure the perimeter of the raised penis and divide it by the number pi - 3. 14.
Standard care recommendations: after the procedure, disassemble the device, rinse with water and a mild detergent and wipe with an antiseptic solution, dry completely.
How it works
Air is gradually evacuated from the balloon, due to which a decrease in pressure occurs in the interior space - a vacuum is created. Thanks to this, the penis begins to maintain the proper shape, which accompanies an erection. During this period, an effect is felt on the reflex points and nerve endings, of which there are many in the mucosa of the penis, so the penis becomes quite strong as quickly as compared to a normal erection.
After creating a vacuum, the following happens:
- In the groin area, the rate of blood flow increases. In practice, it feels like warmth in the lower abdomen and groin.
- The cavernous bodies inside the penis are filled with blood. Studies have shown that blood saturation of the penis under vacuum has doubled compared to a normal erection.
- Oxygen supply is increased, which has a positive effect on the condition of all genital tissues.
Homemade pumps
Some men, at their own peril and risk, decide to use indoor pumps. In all respects, they are inferior to the cheaper industrial models, but if you wish, you can assemble such a device. This will require a plastic cylinder (a sealed baby bottle with a cut end), a tube (you can get it from a dropper) and a pear (or a large syringe) to evacuate the air. On the side of the cap, a tube is inserted into the cut and fixed, connected to a piston device or a pear.

These pumps are traumatic, inconvenient to use and inefficient. Their only advantage is the low cost.
We understood the positive aspects, can the use of a vacuum pump harm a person?

The disadvantages and potential harms of a vacuum pump for men are as follows:
- Unacceptable long-term use can reduce the sensitivity of the skin of the penis, which will appear in dryness, numbness and severe discomfort.
- The device locally reduces the muscle strength that pushes the sperm out, which greatly reduces the chances of conception.
- As a result of using the pump, sometimes there is pain in the penis of varying severity.
- Excessive use of the device reduces the strength and duration of an erection.
- Reddish spots appear on the skin of the penis as a result of damage to small vessels.
- For some, the disadvantage is the simple requirement of smooth skin in the groin area.
This device will not cause discomfort and undesirable effects if you use it strictly according to the instructions, follow all the instructions and check the pressure level with a special pressure gauge.
It is recommended to avoid uncertified equipment, as a home-made pump has a detrimental effect on a man's penis, contributing to skin hemorrhages, a reduction in erection, and a deterioration in the appearance of the penis.
Pumping methods
Experienced users use pumps for targeted penis enlargement in length or thickness using special techniques. To lengthen or correct the shape of the penis (with a large twist), you will need a narrow, long bulb. The technique is called "packing" (from English. "To pack"). The essence of the method is that the raised penis touches the walls (there will be no tissue extension in width), and the head is sucked into the free space in front. Before being placed in the balloon, the penis should be lubricated with lubricant along its entire length.
To work on the perimeter (diameter), you need a wider balloon (with a diameter of 4 cm larger than the perimeter of the penis). A very wide cylinder is inconvenient and ineffective: the testicles are pulled into it, the foreskin is filled with lymph, the tunic does not stretch well
Safe program and consequences of pump misuse
Andrologists do not recommend in vain the purchase of professional pumps, as they are distinguished by high quality materials and a verified design. From a medical point of view, such devices are not used for long-term procedures, only for training the penile tissue according to the principle of "squeezed-relaxed". Most NUPers (from the phrase "natural penis enlargement") try to keep the penis in the bulb for as long as possible, until the scalp is blue. Very dangerous summer. For beginners, the maximum pressure should not exceed 3-4Hg according to the pressure gauge, the maximum duration of the lesson is 20-30 minutes. . . Finally, a five-minute massage is done to normalize blood flow.
The medical program for penis enlargement with a pump is created for one year. In the first 16 weeks, daily half-hour sessions are performed, and then the frequency is reduced to once every three days. Thus, you can achieve a continuous increase in length by 3 cm, thickness by 1 cm. After a single session with a pump, the penis grows by about 10%, but the effect quickly disappears.
If the device is used incorrectly, negative consequences arise:
- "Donut effect" - the accumulation of lymph in the skin around the scalp. After a few days, the edema disappears without consequences, but it is better not to provoke its appearance.
- Capillary bleeding, hematoma, blisters. Stains after these injuries will remain for a long time. In some cases, the penis may become deformed.
- Necrosis of the head.
- Inflammation of the foreskin.

Pain and tingling sensation in the head, its blue whitening is a dangerous signal. You should immediately remove the pump and massage the penis.
Contraindications to exercise with a pump:
- Priapism (long and painful erection).
- Fragility of blood vessels (frequent bruising, hematoma, subcutaneous hemorrhage, vascular networks).
- Taking painkillers.
- Inflammation of the pelvic organs, including those caused by sexually transmitted infections.
For men over 50, doctors generally do not recommend using the penis enlargement pump. Tissue elasticity has already been reduced; it is almost impossible to stretch the tunica albuginea. The result of such activities is most often exclusively injuries.
Help with the appearance of edema and dark spots on the penis (NUPers experience)
To get rid of the negative consequences of careless use of the pump as soon as possible, the following materials will be required:
- Chamomile in bags (in pharmacies).
- Wrapped cotton wool.
- Elastic bandage mesh no. 3.
- Ointment for bruising and bruising.
Chamomile should be cooked (2 bags at once), pour the solution into a glass or other container where you can dip your penis. Bath should be taken 3-4 times a day for 5-7 minutes (each time create new bags). In the evening after the last procedure, wipe the dry penis, spread with oil, cover with cotton wool, put a bandage on top. After a few days of procedures, the tissues will be restored.
Important: in the first 2-3 days after the injury, the above manipulations can not be performed, as the blood has not yet clotted, the injury will take longer to heal. It is advisable to immediately apply cold to a fresh hematoma, thus minimizing its area.
In some men, regular pumping causes the skin of the penis to darken (hyperpigmentation). Nothing can be done about it. If the spots do not go away, the erection worsens, discomfort is felt, then Doppler ultrasound of the penis vessels should be done (blockage is possible).

There are a number of diseases, conditions in which the use of such a device is not recommended. Absolute contraindications include:
- Cardiovascular diseases.
- Thrombosis, arteriosclerosis.
- Varicose veins of the small pelvis.
- Diseases of an infectious or inflammatory nature.
- Diseases of the genital area (urological).
- Presence of tumor formations of different origins.
- Childhood or adolescence.
- Mental disorders.
- Blood clotting disorder.

And also classes are not conducted if they bring discomfort, are associated with the appearance of pain. In this case, they will not be useful, but only harm human health.
There are no other serious contraindications, the device can be used by men of different ages from 18 to 65 years.
Side effects
Side effects are possible in cases where the device has been misused or the person has contraindications that he has not considered.
Unpleasant consequences may be as follows:
- the appearance of darkened areas in the mucosa due to damage to the blood capillaries;
- dryness and numbness of the surface of the penis;
- cracks in the mucous layer;
- with hematomas - a feeling of pain;
- soft tissue swelling due to microtrauma.
Also, when vacuum collection is abused, a decrease in sexual desire can occur.
Opinion of doctors
The opinion of doctors regarding the use of pumps for penis enlargement is controversial. Some recommend this method, others are against it. Among the first are sexologists and andrologists who deal with erectile dysfunction problems. Pumps really help to achieve a high quality erection, and it is safe for the body.
Opponents of using vacuum erectors are usually urologists who consider these devices dangerous. Many men use them with such zeal that classes end with penile deformity and impotence. Doctors need to correct these consequences.
Additional elements
Some models have additional elements. These updates include a scale printed on the cylinder. Thanks to her, a man can easily determine how much progress has been made in increasing height thanks to the device.
Another element is a pressure gauge. Can be used to measure a comfortable vacuum cleaner level and turn quickly the next time.
Some varieties are equipped with curry rings to help prolong the erection. There are additional structures inside the cylinder that give the surface a bumpy, riveted, etc. structure. For a fist sensation. Also, some models have a vibration mode, which adds spiciness.